Saturday, March 27, 2010


It finally happened... that moment an aspiring author dreams about and wishes for and agonizes over.


You know the one. A fabulous agent wrote me to say she'd read my book over the weekend and couldn't put it down. Would I be available to talk with her about it sometime this week?

Um... YES!!

After years of hard work and dreaming and rejection and picking myself back up off the floor and refusing to give up, I got an offer of representation. I am so excited, I can hardly stand it!
This blog will contain my thoughts and experiences on the road to publication (which will hopefully be sooner than later), and writing and life in general.
I hope my story and experiences can be inspiring and motivational to as many people as read this. My road wasn't easy, I didn't write a book, send off ten queries and get an agent. I had all these big dreams of that happening, but... no such luck. However, I never gave up, I believed (and so did so many amazing people around me who helped keep me going), and it finally, finally happened.

Barnes & Noble, here I come!! (Sooner or later...)