Monday, November 29, 2010


"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier

I hope everyone had a great week! We sure did. I missed staying in touch with all of my online friends and blogs, but it was also kind of nice to unplug for a while. I honestly didn't even think about checking my email for a couple of days. That was like some sort of miracle. Ha ha. Thanksgiving was fabulous, my family rocks, I have so much to be thankful for, and yep. It was a great week! How was yours? What did I miss out on?

So, on to the quote. Or, back to the quote, as the case may be. Success. It's what we all want, right? Our definitions of success are probably different--one person may think just getting a book on a shelf somewhere, ANYWHERE is success. Others may not feel "successful" until they are a bestseller. Those are just two examples, and obviously not all the success we want necessarily applies to getting published. There are many other successes I worry about and hope to achieve, the top of the list being my desire to successfully raise my children into honest, happy, independent (yet still family oriented), confident, loving, caring, wonderful people. Is that too much to ask? Yikes. I hope not.

When I start to feel overwhelmed in my efforts to be successful, this quote is very comforting. It's the little things, the small efforts, repeated day after day that will get me there. With my kids, with my life, with my writing, with anything I'm striving for. By writing every day, by revising, by reading, by learning and applying and moving forward. I. Will. Make. It. And so will you.

So what little things do you need to be doing each day?


Kelly Polark said...

My number one goal is similar about raising my kids into productive, kind, caring people as well.
I now make To Do lists with things great and small so I can know I am accomplishing things. I just checked off "check blogs"! See, that was easy!

Aubrey said...

We were talking about something similar to this with someone who came to visit yesterday. Not necessarily success, but that we all need to simplify, slow down and do what is most important. I think in doing that then we find true success!

Easier said than done though!

Unknown said...

I'm almost done raising my kids, and I'm very blessed to be able to say that it was an enjoyable ride. My kids are young adults now, but you know, they still need me. There are universities to decide on and filling out student loan applications, and financial and girl matters (or boy, eventually. My daughter's 16 but too busy for boys right now--yay). It's wonderful watching them walk down their own path and finding their own way, but I'm grateful that they still want me to be a part of it.

Lola Sharp said...

Yes, raising my daughter to be a loving, responsible, happy adult is my numbering priority. I think I do pretty well with her, and my husband and relationships in general.

I think the one thing I need to be doing each day, but I haven't been regular, is daily exercise/workout. Somedays, too many days, I let my family, house and writing take priority over my life. I say yes to so many people and projects, and since I'm healthy and relatively thin, I don't make it happen as often as I should. Sometimes I go weeks without a single workout. *sigh* I told myself I'd make it my top New Years resolution, but really I should be making it daily right now.

Lovely post, Sara.

Shari said...

Success to me is simply making it through the day. There are so many things I want to accomplish, but I don't get through all of them each day--like exercise, cleaning, writing, fixing a nutritious meal, getting homework done with the kids and actually spending time with them, too. It seems like things are always coming up and all of the day to day things I plan to do fall by the wayside. So, really, just making it through the day putting out all the fires and getting to as much of my list as I can is all I can ask for.

Enjoyed your post. It made me think. That's good, 'cause my brain needs some exercise now and then.

Colene Murphy said...

What a wonderful thing to say! It's nice to think about it that way instead of all doom and gloom when you don't accomplish it all right away. If that makes sense.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I totally agree. It's all in the little things. I usually take a moment, say a prayer, and somehow my eyes open to see things a little clearer...even better.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I need to be better about focusing on baby steps - doing more, with smaller steps, so I can be more productive.

Jennie Bailey said...

What a great quote! I'm with Shannon - those baby steps so I can get things done. One thing at a time. It's hard for me. I try to multi-task every single aspect of my life and that's not always so productive.

Anonymous said...

What an excellent quote! Sometimes I just need to remember the baby steps. So glad you had a nice holiday!

ali cross said...

I love this quote. It is so, so true. I love your goals as a parent. LOL I can totally relate! (And it better not be too much to ask!)

I'm going to be successful too. So there. ;)

DL Hammons said...

Absolutely! If you can't take pleasure in the little things...constantly pacing the floor waiting for the big event to happen...then not only are you setting yourself up for a major fall, but you're missing the point. Life is in the little things! The big ones are just icing on the cake. :)

Loved this post.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Such an inspirational post, hon! Thank you for that. I feel very much the same. My primary goal is to successfully raise my children into happy, thriving adults. Everything after that is pretty much a bonus--but oh so craved! It's good to keep things in perspective. Can only live one day at a time...great message, Sara!

Russo said...

Girl, you are so inspiring. You always find the best quotes. Loved this post.