Tuesday, October 4, 2016

YA Scavenger Hunt FALL 2016!

It's that time of year again!! When we all go crazy for a few days, trying to win piles of awesome books! This year, I'm also doing my own personal giveaway, so make sure to read all the way to the VERY BOTTOM of the post for your chance to win a signed copy of one of my books! (You get to choose which one!) 

(You can win one of these!! Make sure to go all the way to the bottom!)

Welcome to YA Scavenger Hunt! This bi-annual event was first organized by author Colleen Houck as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors...and a chance to win some awesome prizes! At this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize--one lucky winner will receive one signed book from each author on the hunt in my team! But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online for 72 hours!

Directions: Below, you'll notice that I've listed my favorite number. Collect the favorite numbers of all the authors on the Orange Team, and then add them up (don't worry, you can use a calculator!). 

Entry Form: Once you've added up all the numbers, make sure you fill out the form here to officially qualify for the grand prize. Only entries that have the correct number will qualify.

Rules: Open internationally, anyone below the age of 18 should have a parent or guardian's permission to enter. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the completed entry form by Sunday October 9, at noon Pacific Time. Entries sent without the correct number or without contact information will not be considered.

Here's a little trivia for you - my all time FAVORITE number has always been 21!!!

Today I am hosting the lovely, talented (and my agency sis):

Julie Eshbaugh!!!

Julie Eshbaugh once produced an online video series for teens which received several honors from the Webby Awards. Now, she focuses her time on writing. Her debut YA novel, IVORY AND BONE, was released by HarperTeen in June 2016. Its sequel will follow in 2017.

You can buy IVORY AND BONE by clicking HERE!! 

You know you want this gorgeous cover on your bookshelves! (Not to mention to read the awesome story inside!) 

Here's what it's about: 
Hunting, gathering, and keeping his family safe—that’s the life seventeen-year-old Kol knows. Then bold, enigmatic Mya arrives from the south with her family, and Kol is captivated. He wants her to like and trust him, but any hopes of impressing her are ruined when he makes a careless—and nearly grave—mistake. However, there’s something more to Mya’s cool disdain…a history wrought with loss that comes to light when another clan arrives. With them is Lo, an enemy from Mya’s past who Mya swears has ulterior motives.

As Kol gets to know Lo, tensions between Mya and Lo escalate until violence erupts. Faced with shattering losses, Kol is forced to question every person he’s trusted. One thing is for sure: this was a war that Mya or Lo—Kol doesn’t know which—had been planning all along.

And now to the REALLY fun part - the bonus content! Julie has picked out a dream cast for the characters in her book, and WOW. I think she did an awesome job. What do you say??

 Amber Midthunder as Mya

 Booboo Stewart as Kol

Qorianka Kilcher as Lo

See?? I told you! SO awesome. Thanks, Julie! 
You can find Julie on Twitter: @JulieEshbaugh

AND NOW...for my personal giveaway! 

All you have to do is comment and tell me which book of mine you want signed and mailed to you if you win, and you're entered. There are also extra options if you want a better chance at winning! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Susan Light said...


Aylea said...

I'd want to win Defy. I haven't had a chance to read it yet!

Zaide Cullen said...

Hi Sara! Such a wonderful giveaway - I would love to win a copy of Defy!
Thank you so much for the chance to win - I will definitely buy a copy anyway if I'm not lucky enough to snag one!
Love Zaide Cullen xx

Holed Up In A Book said...

Definitely defy!

- Stephanie

Tanya G said...

I would pick Defy, thank you for the chance!

Unknown said...

I'd choose Endure. Thanks for the giveaway!

- Kendra J.

achampagne611 said...

I'd love to win Defy : )

Thank you!
Alyssa Champagne

Michelle@Book Briefs said...

I would love Dark Breaks the Dawn!!!

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Ignite thanks for the chance

Megan said...

I would love love love a signed copy of Defy <3
Rafflecopter name: Megan S.

Casey B. said...


Karina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karina said...

I would pick Defy. Thank you for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Endure! It's the last one I need!

Unknown said...

I would love a copy of Defy! YAY! Super excited to read more awesome YA!

Unknown said...

I'd love to win a copy of Defy! I'm hoping this giveaway is international?

Amy @ Happily Reading Ever After said...

Ignite because I only have your first book!

I put my name as just Amy :)

thenovelnerd said...

Defy would be awesome! Thank you so much for the opportunity :) Also, I put my name as Kathleen.

Elisa Panjang said...

I want to read Endure.
My real name is Elisa Panjang.

Bube said...

Defy :)
Thank you :)

Zeller Family said...

Deffinatly Defy

Unknown said...

Endure! <3

Breana M. said...

My pick is Endure.

Morgan said...

I would pick Defy because it's been on my to-read list forever :)

Mandy said...

I'd like to read Defy!

krlga00 said...

I have Defy and Ignite so I need Endure...or Dark Breaks the Dawn :)
Thanks for participating in the hunt!

Anonymous said...

DEFY sounds very entertaining!


Leah said...

I would like Defy! This Scavenger Hunt is getting exciting!

Unknown said...

would love to read defy

Elin H said...

I would love a copy of Defy!

Unknown said...

I would definitely want Defy!!! I've followed this series ever since the first book released. Alexa is one of my favorite characters of ALL TIME so I was so excited to see your name on the hunt. I have Defy in eBook form and the rest in paperback so I would love to have the first as a hard copy!!!

Unknown said...

Defy! I want to start reading the lovely series but haven't found time to get my hands on it!

Ashfa said...

I'd love to win a copy of Defy!

Unknown said...

Definitely Defy!! It's been on my TBR for ages :)

Janhvi said...

I'd love to win Defy!

Unknown said...

I have seen your books around but i havent started the series yet so id want to win DEFY do i could start it =)
my name is Ashlee Saunders

Unknown said...

Would love to start reading your series Defy!

Gurlay said...

if i win, i want defy.

jarkin33 said...

Can I say Dark Breaks The Dawn? :) IF not, I do need a signed Endure!

Raine said...


Unknown said...

I'd pick Defy :D

emitchell320 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
emitchell320 said...

It hasn't released yet, but I'd pick Dark Breaks the Dawn! -Emily Mitchell

Anonymous said...

I would pick Defy.
Brenda Kness

Unknown said...

I would want to win Defy since that's where it all started. :)

Dana said...


Anonymous said...

I would love Dark Breaks Dawn. Can't wait to read it!

Angela said...


Unknown said...

I would love Defy !

Thank you for the chance.

swimwriteliv said...

Defy since I haven't read any of your books yet!:)

Kirsten N said...

I would like to wind Defy!

Amy said...

I already have all 3 of your books, but would love to have the first book in HC if possible and signed?!

Karen chappell said...

Karen Chappell would like to win Endure!
Thank you!

Lauryn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lauryn said...

I would love a copy of defy. It is by far one of my favorite series and I would love to have a physical copy.

Lauryn said...

I would love a copy of defy. It is by far one of my favorite series and I would love to have a physical copy.

Lina said...

I would love to win a copy of Defy. I haven't read it yet but the story of the book really sounds like a book for me. And I just love the cover.

Written Melodies said...

I would choose Defy.-Stephanie T.

Champagne said...

I would choose Defy thank you!

Champagne Millin

TheCrimsonDirigible said...

Thanks for participating in the Scavenger Hunt!

Courtney said...

I would choose Ignite :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win Defy! It would be great to get started on this awesome series!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

My name is Sarah and I would also like defy

Jac649 said...

I would love a copy of Defy if I win! Thank you so much for doing YASH and offering the bonus contest-you rock!

Unknown said...

I would love a signed copy of Defy!

Delia said...

Thanks for the chance!!! I would love Defy!! :) Happy #YASH

Cassie said...

Defy! Can't go wrong with numero uno. Thanks so much for doing a bonus giveaway!

Mary Pappas said...


Unknown said...

Ivory and Bone sounds amazing! Thank you for entering the YASH!
I have yet to read Defy so that would be my choice for sure.

Anonymous said...

My name is Nicole and I would choose Defy - the series sounds great!!

Kassie said...

I would LOVE Ignite! My family loves the Defy series! I got Defy...now I need to read it! Can't wait to read the series!

Unknown said...

I would love to start the trilogy with Defy!

Unknown said...

Defy, since i haven't read any of them!

-Victoria Falzo

Caitlin said...

I would like a copy of Defy because I haven't started this series yet :( It is on my TBR list, though!

Unknown said...

I'd want to win DEFY (the first one) -- it's been on my TBR for ages, but I've not managed to find it at my library or local used book store and sadly I can't really afford to buy new. Plus, I like to own the beginnings of series so I can lend them to my friends!

(my entry form just says "Becky" but it's linked to this email address.)

Amber W said...

I'd probably want to win Defy! I have actually never read any of your books and just came to know of you as an author through this giveaway, so I figure it would be a good book to start with!

Anonymous said...

I haven't read Endure yet, and it's the only hardback in the series I don't have, so I would choose that one! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway would love endure

Unknown said...

You're a new author to me so I guess it'll be logical to start from the first book, Defy.
(count me out if the giveaway's not INT)

Samantha Stewart said...

I would pick a signed copy of Endure. I absolutely love this series, so I'd love to have a copy of the final book signed.

Lea Sini said...

If I would be so lucky to win, I would like a copy of Defy <3

NSchu said...

I'd like a signed copy of Defy because it started it all!

Maťa said...

Defy :3

sarah said...

I love your series and I would love a signed copy of the first!

Anonymous said...

Defy! I already own Endure but need Defy and Ignite! :)
My name is Kami.

tammy216 said...

I'd love to win Ignite!

Emma A. said...

I would love to win a hardback copy of Ignite to match my copy of Defy! :)
-Emma McAndrew

Gabs @ My Full Bookshelf said...

Defy! It's been on my to-read list for ages

-Gabrielle Schumacher

Tiffany said...

I'd love to win Ignite :)
Thanks for being a part of the hunt and the giveaway!!

~Tiffany Webb

Destiny C. said...

I would like to win Defy, since I haven't read the series, I need to start with the first one!

Christine @ Captivated Reading said...

I would definitely want to read Defy!

Unknown said...

Aye! Aye! Thanks for all your works! Definitely adding another book to my tbr pile :)

Unknown said...

I would love a copy of Defy! <3


Unknown said...

I want to win the 3rd book! haven't read it yet!

Unknown said...

Goodreads shows incredible ratings for Defy, the first book in the series! I would definitely love to read that one!! *fingers crossed*

Debi said...

Honestly I would want all three. I've had your books on my wishlist for several yrs, but still haven' had the opportunity to get them. I really want to read them!

Theresa Snyder said...

Defy just because I don't own any of your books yet!

Unknown said...

I would like to win Defy and thanks for the giveaway!! :D
My name is Samantha Wallace just to make sure just in case it don't match my comment name!! :D

Dilrukshi Wijesinghe said...

I want to win the first book. Defy.

Dilrukshi Wijesinghe said...

I want to win the first book. Defy.

Unknown said...

I would want to win Ignite, because I already have Defy.

Although my copy is paperback, so if you gave away a hardcover copy, I suppose I would have to go out and get a hardcover copy of Defy, because I like my series to all match. it drives me nuts if they don't, because I'm kind of neurotic, so I have been known to purchase multiple copies of the same book out of OCD-like reasons...

Shai Villanueva said...

I'd really love to win Defy! I've heard so many good things about your book so I really want to read it!

ArtemisG said...

I would love Defy, thank you for the chance!!!!

Raffle name: Artemis Giote

Irene E. Jensen said...

I'd like to be entered to win Defy, thank you! :)

Journeylsi said...

I would love to start with Defy! Thank you for the.chance!! 😀💕💕

Journeylsi said...

I would love to start with Defy! Thank you for the.chance!! 😀💕💕

miki said...

i would love to win Defy if it's open to international

Julia Tharp said...

Ignite!! Pretty please! I've been trying to get my hands on it for ages! :)

Stephanie Kaye said...

I would choose Defy because I haven't had the chance to read that yet! Thanks for the extra giveaway!


Katrina @ Bookish Things said...


Carrie said...

I would want Defy!

Megan said...

I would LOVE to win Defy!!

Anonymous said...

I would choose Defy - best to start from the beginning, I think!

Unknown said...

Endure! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ My name is Taryn Smith

Unknown said...

Defy please!! Thanks!

Penny said...

Endure. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

I'd love a signed copy of Endure!

Baggins said...

I'd pick Defy!

aka Kim Waters

Melissa @thereaderandthechef said...

Aaaah! Torn between Defy or Endure... but... ENDURE. ♥

Aditi ~ A Thousand Words A Million Books said...

I would LOVE LOVE a copy of Defy!

Thanks SO much for the chance.

S211n3 said...

I'd love copy of Defy!
Sneha Mohite

Unknown said...

I would love to read Defy. I think I've been wanting to read it for a year.

Unknown said...

I would love to win DEFY <3

Jo said...

would love Defy thanks for the chance jody.714@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

First of all, I just found out about your new book (Dark Breaks the Dawn) and I am in love with it!

I would like a copy of Defy :D

Bethany said...

I would like endure, Bethany Fetzer

Valerie said...

I would like a copy of DEFY. :)

Brittany said...

I would want to win Defy so I can start the series! =)

Lauren said...

I would love to win a copy of Ignite :) Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to checkout Defy!

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of Ignite! I absolutely loved Defy and I can't wait to read more! Thanks for participating in the hunt! Can't wait until Dark Breaks the Dawn comes out! I absolutely loved the cover!

Richelle said...

Defy :)

Unknown said...

I would like a copy of Endure :)

teafunny said...

I would want a copy of Defy. Thanks for the chance.

V said...


1993wel said...

I would want a copy of Endure, since I have the first two in the series already!

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of Defy! Thanks for the opportunity.��

magicseal said...

I'd like to win Defy as I haven't read it yet! Hannah Mac

Gracie said...


Isabel C said...

I'd love to win Ignite! I already have a copy of Defy, so Ignite is the next one in the series!

Unknown said...

Defy! I have heard so many amazing things about it on booktube, I need to check it out! :D

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Defy. Thank you for the chance! :)

Tera said...

I would love a copy of defy!!!! Thanks for doing the yahunt.

Tera anderson

Jordan @ The Heart of a Book Blogger said...

I would love a signed copy of Defy! I've been wanting to read this series for a while now! Thanks for the giveaway!

banana83854 said...

Would it be possible to win a copy of your book that's not released yet? If not, a copy of Defy would be cool. Thanks!-BreAnna

mimsy said...


But my pick if I got my arm twisted would be DEFY <3

TY for participating in YASH!!!!!!

- Michelle Grondine

Unknown said...

I would like to win Ignite

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

I'd choose Endure. Thanks for the giveaway!

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