Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Five: The car accident edition

1. I've never been in a car accident before. Until yesterday. Car accidents suck. Especially when they're not your fault, but state law still says it is.

2. Teenage drivers suck. Okay, not all of them, but ones that have only had their license for a week, and slam on their brakes at a green light because his mom yells at him to let a car in. He, in particular, sucks.

3. Apparently when you go from accelerating because the light turned green to suddenly slamming on your brakes (in a construction zone with nowhere to go because the road is all torn apart so you can't swerve or anything), things don't always end well. Especially when you are a Nissan Altima and they are a Toyota Land Cruiser.

4. I was planning on getting in some writing yesterday, during my son's naptime. I had new music all ready to go on my iPod, my laptop was charged, the kids were happy and tired from going to a cornmaze/pumpkin patch/farm for the whole morning. Instead, he fell asleep from sheer exhaustion in my smashed up car while we waited for the police, and my MIL had to come get SonA because he had to go potty so bad he was almost in tears. A very nice police-man explained that even though it was the other person's fault, the law is that the person who rear-ends the other car is always cited and considered at fault. Which also sucks. He really was so nice, and I am grateful for that. Because the other people that caused the accident? Not so nice.

5. This wasn't even the worst thing that happened this week. Yeah, it's been one of those weeks.

Therefore, I didn't get anyone's blogs read in the last two days, and I'm really sorry. I will try to catch up over the weekend. Also, there were some great responses to my last post in the comments, so I think I will go ahead and continue that conversation on Monday. Something to look forward to! I'm sure your week has been better than mine (at least, I hope so!), so what have you all had going on?


Natalie Whipple said...

Oh man! I'm so sorry!

Shannon Messenger said...

Oh my goodness Sara--that SO sucks. Argh--that is the dumbest law ever. But at least you weren't hurt--right? There's at least that.

Here's hoping for a much better weekend!

DL Curran said...

Oh Sara - that sucks! Hope you are all okay! And I so have to agree with Shannon - dumbest law ever! Hope it only goes up from here. :)

Belle Wong said...

So glad no-one was hurt. There really should be some flexibility in that rear end rule. I hope the weekend and new week will be so much better for you!

Colene Murphy said...

Awe crapper! That sucks! Accidents are never fun! Hope everyone is okay! (and a little hope that the kid peed his pants as retribution.)
Hope the weekend looks up for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about the accident and I'm glad that your kids are all right. Accidents suck rocks. I even have nightmares about the way that crunching metal sounds. (Or fiberglass or whatever it is.) Glad the cop was nice and sad to hear the other people weren't. =P

Aubrey said...

I am sorry! Accidents do suck, I know from very personal experience! I hope it all works out okay with getting the car fixed...or totaled!

Unknown said...

Hope your weekend gets a lot better!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

I'm so sorry this happened to you, Sara!! How awful. And horribly inconvenient. Your poor car...your poor son having to wait to go potty...and poor you having to deal with a smashed up car and rude people. Ugh. I hope the rest of your weekend goes a little more smoothly. Maybe do something fun and relaxing tonight. Fridays are great movie nights at our house.

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

Sara, that's awful--I'm SO sorry! I say screw catching up with blogs, take the weekend and RELAX. Or, get a massage--or eat buckets of chocolate. Actually--maybe all three of those things :)

Hope your weekend is a zillion times better than your week! Now, off to check out your last post! I haven't seen it yet.

Larissa said...

Ooh! That really sucks! There should be some sort of stipulation for things like people slamming on their brakes, but then you'd end up with a he said-she said thing. Ugh.

So the people who caused it were awful? Nice.

I had an interesting week myself. One of my crowns broke the tooth under it, and now I have to wear a retainerish thing for five months. YAY. And then I got a promotion, which, yay money, but I lose my day off, which is my writing day. Boo.

I hoe we both have a better week next week!

Emily said...

So sorry about your crash! But it's weird, because I was rear-ended on I-15 and the girl blamed me. She was cited because she was behind, but then her insurance refused to pay me because she swears I swerved in front of her (I didn't). It took 2 years and finally mediation to get her insurance company to pay us back for the repairs for our car. And it took 2 months to get our car fixed, and no rental (because we didn't have rental coverage and there was no guarantee we would get reimbursed by her insurance at the end). So they say that it's always the person behind's fault, but apparently not always.

DL Hammons said...

Man....that SUCKS...with a capital S and a capital X! At least no one was hurt. :)

The Dixon Family said...

Sorry to hear about the car accident! I'm glad you and your son are fine.

Hopefully your weekend will get better and you'll find a way to use all that negative emotion in a scene of injustice for the protagonist...writers use everything around them, right? Hugs.

ali cross said...

If that wasn't even the worst you'd seen all week, you must truly have had a craptastic week. Sorry Sara. Hope things look up for you this week!

Sara B. Larson said...

Thank you everyone for you concern for us. It's been a long week for sure. Let's hope tihs new week will be better! I'm hoping so...

Jennifer Hillier said...

Car accidents DO suck! Hope your weekend got better!

Lola Sharp said...

Hey, I'm still catching up on back posts...sorry about this. Thankful you and the kids were/are alright. Sorry that wasn't the worst part of your week. :(

Don't sweat blogging, Sara.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about you mishap. I hope you're okay by now. I had the same experience last year, but my scenario would be a 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer against a concrete barricade during the yearly renovation of our roads. I was blinded by the construction lights which resulted in me not noticing the concrete slab placed in the middle of the road. The result was pretty much the equivalent of me slamming against a Peterbilt 379 truck. Lucky for me I had auto insurance. In palm springs, we usually get hot and dry weather, that's why road are pretty much in need of frequent repair. Auto insurance (Palm Springs in our area is a must.