Tuesday, December 30, 2014

IGNITE is here!!!

I've really been struggling to write this post. There is just too much to say and I'm completely overwhelmed.

IGNITE is officially published. I truly hope that you will all love what happens next for Alexa, Damian, and Rylan. It's a strange and wonderful thing, publishing a book. These characters, this story, it feels like mine...until now. Now, they are yours. We all bring something different to a book when we pick it up, open to the first page, and begin to read. What happens next will be a little bit different for everyone. But my wish is that you will find a piece of yourself somewhere within its pages, and maybe, just maybe, a piece of your heart, too. My goal as an author is to try and make each book I write better than the last, and I hope you will find that I succeeded with IGNITE. 

I have so much gratitude in my heart for everyone that has made this dream into a reality, but I won't bore you by repeating it here. (I guess that's what my acknowledgements are for, right?) But I do want to express my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your part in this journey. Every one of you has a piece of this dream. My family, my agent, my editor, the team at Scholastic, every reader and blogger and reviewer--you are all vital and amazing and I can't thank you all enough. 

Okay, now that I'm pretty much crying...! 
(Let's watch Kristen Bell cry instead of me, because let's be honest, she's a way cuter crier than I am!)

 Don't forget that the IGNITE blog tour is happening right now (and continuing through the end of next week). Lots of fun interviews, blog posts, insider info, and you can enter to win one of 10 copies of IGNITE + a DEFY Dagger charm! So hop on over to Rockstar Book Tours to check out all the posts and see the schedule of what's to come! CLICK HERE. 

Finally, I've been asked many times "What can I do to help ____ (fill in with book of your choice) succeed?" and I thought today, on the day IGNITE releases, it might be a good time to quickly let you know a few easy ways you can help the books you love reach more readers! 

1. Buy it! Buy it from an independent bookstore, buy it from B&N, buy it from Amazon, in hardcover, or paperback, or ebook, just buy it! Ask for books for gifts, give books as gifts. (Nothing hurts an author more than piracy.) 

2. If you can't afford to buy it, check it out from your library! If they don't have it, request it. It really does help authors if their books are in demand at the library, I promise. We love it when readers check out our books!

(Was it just me, or did you totally think you were Belle growing up because you loved books so much, too?) 

3. If you do read a book you love, review it online. It only takes a minute, but every review a book gets on Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, etc. gets that book seen by new readers. It really can make a big difference, so please, let others know when you love a book! (And I'll love you forever and a day if you are so kind as to review IGNITE on those websites!) 

4. And of course, spread the word. Nothing helps a book more than word-of-mouth. What helps you decide to pick up your next read? More often than not, it's because someone told you to read it, right? Or your book club picked it, or you keep hearing about it from multiple sources. If you love a book, share that love! 

Okay, that's enough of that. It's time to CELEBRATE!! IGNITE IS HERE!!!!!

Again, thank you all SO much for your love for this series and for you support and kindness towards me. I can't even begin to tell you how much your messages, emails, letters, gifts, posts, and words mean to me. You are all amazing! IGNITE is now yours - I hope you will love it as much as I do! 


You can purchase IGNITE in many places!

For a SIGNED/PERSONALIZED copy order through The King's English and they will ship it to you! Call 801-484-9100 or through their website: CLICK HERE




(And these are all great places to leave reviews as well!) :-)

And for my local friends and fans: I have 2 launch parties coming up. I hope to see you at one!




LAS VEGAS BARNES & NOBLE JANUARY 15th w/ Lindsey Leavitt! 


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it's not available as an e-book on amazon yet. :(

Unknown said...

The day is finally here! Congratulations!!!!

Kathryn Purdie said...

I'm all smiles for you. What a happy day. HUGE, FAT congrats! Soon I will have my own copy of this gorgeous book!

Sara B. Larson said...

It is available as an ebook on all the major sites! :)

Natalie (Never Trust a Duck) said...

This is so exciting!!!! Imma go reread Defy now :D

tawney13 said...

I'm so glad this book is out!!1 i hope one day to get my copy signed by you and meet you! I now can't wait for the third book!!!! Any idea when that comes out? LOL

Sara B. Larson said...

Natalie - yay! I hope you enjoy the reread and IGNITE! :-)

Tawney - I hope to meet you someday, too! I don't know yet, but I'm guessing book 3 will be out in about a year. :-)

David P. King said...

Many congratulations, Sara! I'm planning on coming to one of your events. See you then! :)

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Congrats Sara, read Defy and it was really good. So glad you added The Book Dep. to the list. Most don't, that site has helped me and many other international readers get books without crazy shipping fees. Happy Holidays and Book Birthday.

Unknown said...

Already done reading Ignite! Gah so good! I need the next book!

Larry/Carol Lawson said...

Love the series! When is book 3 coming?

Emily R. King said...

Huge congrats! I can't wait to dive into my copy this weekend. :)

Unknown said...

Gah! Just finished Defy and Ignite in less than two days!! Loved them!! Really wish the third book was already out!!! Can't wait to read what happens next. :) Found out about your books from my cousin Julie Olsen.

Anonymous said...

I read this book in one day! When's the next one coming??? I already can't wait! :)

Unknown said...

Love, love, love all the books! Movie material and can't wait for the 3rd book!

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