I'm excited for both, but I know which one I'm dying to see! To give you a hint... it's the one that comes out right after I'm having a baby so I can't go to the midnight show. I'm way bummed about that. Hopefully she's a good baby so we can sneak her in to see it on opening weekend or something! I can't wait!
What about you?
THis is such a hard choice for me! As much as I love Edward and Bella (okay, really it's Jacob), I more excited to see Harry Potter. I think because we've really watched the cast grow up- and when you have that many books in the series (and movies) you become so invested in the characters--we see them mature from kids to young adults. But, you can be sure that I will be in the theatre for both of them!
There's no competition, Harry Potter all the way!
I'm excited about both too. Slightly more about Harry. I'm going to so cry in the end!
Both, really. But HP more than I'm excited about most everything else about life right now (sad much?) So. Yea. ;) But from the trailer that got released yesterday for BD, they might have spiced it up a little bit from the book so that's exciting!
Both! They are such different series' and I love them both so I can't choose!
As much as I'm loving Bella's dress in that pic, it's gotta be the boy wizard. Hands down.
Both! Love the picture. Where did you find that?
Excited for both! But I'm more excited for Harry. I'll be so sad when it's over. That's going to be hard for me. :-(
I'm excited for both, but super extra excited for HP. And yet also saddened. Can't believe it's ending :(
I can't wait for Harry. I've got my midnight ticket and look forward to next month.
Oh Harry! I can't wait to see. Woo hoo!
I'm a wizard girl myself. Harry Potter, all the way!!
Definitely Harry Potter.
Harry Potter, hands down. SOOOOOOO excited!!
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